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Fear, Who's Afraid?

Fear, Who's Afraid?

When considering which two topics  to write on for the Technical Writing course I have decided to enroll in, I realized there will be many challenges.  First, deciding on what to name my blog.  Could I just pick any name... No, I had to look over my life to decide what name could best describe me and I came up with "Writing Through Life Challenges."

Challenges are things that get into you way, or prevent you from having a smooth way of completing things. When I think of 'challenges", I think of writing. Although my job consists of 90% writing (no kidding, I get like 50+ emails a day), I feel like I need to improve, or find the art of concision. In business they always say, "less is more." How can I tell you all that you need to know in a few sentences, or even just one paragraph for that matter. I always hear that, if you are a "great reader," you will be a "great writer." Is this even true? I think it depends on the type of articles you read, because if you read articles that have many errors, then you would eventually mimic those errors, right?

Needless to say, I am looking forward to this class as it is the first step to overcoming "fear." I can't wait to get feedback and understand, that I am the one who wanted to get help in writing and know the truth, about what it takes to get my righting up to speed. So, I posed the question fear, who's afraid? Me, but I decided not to live in fear anymore, and take control of my future by seeking the help I so desire to receive.

