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As I begin to write about this Campus Signage Project (CSP) I realise that this may not be as easy as
I first anticipated. As I go through my day-to-day life at Northern Illinois University (NIU), I am
beginning to understand that I rarely have time to “smell the roses.” I spend most of my time in the
Student Recreation Center (SRC), as that is the location where my office is. When thinking of what
poster or signage will I pick, as there are an insurmountable amount of posters and signage all over
NIU. As I stated that I am often very busy, I actually found a sign within my own location. Two signs to
be exact. Now the question is, which will I choose?

Picture of Wellness

At first I walked through the long cold hallways of the SRC and stopped to see the signage locate
d above. At first glance it looks as though they are a way for you to be well, and they are, but as I look
closer, I realise it is more than just information about wellness , but also a ploy to hire employees.
 Which could be considered clever, but if you never read the poster and become lost due to the large
amount of information that the poster is trying to offer, the employment part becomes lost.I like how
they used a lot of colors, as I think that it was first captured my attention. I was thinking of “My Little
Pony,” due to all the colors that had been used. I also found myself thinking about a rainbow and how
I want my “pot of gold.” I am in the finance/ Business in my department so often times I am thinking
about revenue. Which leads me to the next picture.

The second picture that I choose to use was one close to our registers and as an employee I think I
can say, I’m not proud of this picture and know that we will be updating it.

As I look at the picture, does it say what it should say? Do I like how it looks? Well of course I like the
color green, as it is the color of money. However, does this color green work for what we are trying to
say.  When we say these are the guidelines and someone comes in to pay for a guest pass and it
costs $8.00 am I really saying that I won’t take a bill greater than $20 from you? What if all you have
a $50 bill? Will we turn you away, or ask you to go break that large bill somewhere else, then come

When I think about marketing… I think I can do this, I’ve been selling myself for years (no, not that
way…), I mean interviewing for jobs and actually getting them. When you market anything or anyone,
you want to appeal to you in such a way that you want your audience to act today, or immediately.
 As I look at the font, I think can this be bigger. Then I go back to the rules of this project and
understand that we are suppose to try to recreate this is a better way. I immediately feel overwhelmed
as I have no experience with re-creating something with a software program. I try to relax my mind and
understand my options, I could “Google it”, YouTube it, or maybe even it. While this may be
simple, remember how I say I am a  very busy person.

Well, i am happy I was able to at least get this posted.


  1. For what it's worth, I'm a big fan of imitation: finding an analagous thing that I think works pretty well and then use that as inspiration. The less comfortable I am with a new genre, the more I rely on models and examples.

    PS - I like the big color wheel but I see what you mean about almost distracting from the real message.


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