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Showing posts from September, 2018


CAMPUS SIGNAGE PROJECT As I begin to write about this Campus Signage Project (CSP) I realise that this may not be as easy as I first anticipated. As I go through my day-to-day life at Northern Illinois University (NIU), I am beginning to understand that I rarely have time to “smell the roses.” I spend most of my time in the Student Recreation Center (SRC), as that is the location where my office is. When thinking of what poster or signage will I pick, as there are an insurmountable amount of posters and signage all over NIU. As I stated that I am often very busy, I actually found a sign within my own location. Two signs to be exact. Now the question is, which will I choose? Picture of Wellness At first I walked through the long cold hallways of the SRC and stopped to see the signage locate d above. At first glance it looks as though they are a way for you to be well, and they are, but as I look closer, I realise it is more than just information about wellness

After Tiller

DOCUMENTARY PROJECT REFLECTION- AFTER TILLER I chose to do my Guided Reflection on After Tiller . Dr. George Tiller is one of four doctors in the world that perform abortions during the third- trimester of a pregnancy in 2009. This is during a time when bombings are known to happen at any abortion location at any time. Society is very out spoken on their views and the Dr. had received an insurmountable amount of death threats. He has gone through many lows in like due to the nature of his work. He has not only been divorced because of his job, but also feels alienated for the rest of the world. I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness, when I hear the secretary trying to explain how the procedure will work to a potential client over the phone. She is very detailed in her description and make sure the client knows that this is a labor and delivery, not a surgery. I can’t help thinking,” how does she feel? She looks like she may be under a lot of stress. She says, “You need to be


SCAREDYCAT- Reflection Andy Blublagh’s “Scaredycat” is an in depth short film that's about how bad obsession and fear can be when one has gone through a post traumatic situation. He was brutally mugged by five males. This short film is depiction of how one instance in life can change your entire world. Andy realizes that he can't be afraid of everything and that he would eventually have to leave his home. Then he is able to come up with some "coping mechanisms." This included crossing the street if he felt the need to if her in counter a "black person." He realizes that the way he has decided to cope is not even realistic, as there were several men of different ethnicity, but yet he seem to focus on the "black men." He was able to come back to reality and understand how he was dealing with this traumatic event, was truly him taking a racist approach to the situation. Andy eventually gets up enough courage to face his attackers and ask the &qu

Fear, Who's Afraid?

Fear, Who's Afraid? When considering which two topics  to write on for the Technical Writing course I have decided to enroll in, I realized there will be many challenges.  First, deciding on what to name my blog.  Could I just pick any name... No, I had to look over my life to decide what name could best describe me and I came up with "Writing Through Life Challenges." Challenges are things that get into you way, or prevent you from having a smooth way of completing things. When I think of 'challenges", I think of writing. Although my job consists of 90% writing (no kidding, I get like 50+ emails a day), I feel like I need to improve, or find the art of concision. In business they always say, "less is more." How can I tell you all that you need to know in a few sentences, or even just one paragraph for that matter. I always hear that, if you are a "great reader," you will be a "great writer." Is this even true? I think it depe