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Showing posts from November, 2018

Snow Day

On Monday, November 26, 2018 Northern Illinois University decided to cancel school. What does this mean? No work for me and thousands of others. What does this mean for productivity? It cost about a million dollars in productivity. Was the snow really that bad? The new me says yes. Safety is important and we need to do all that we can to keep our student s and employees safe. When I arrived to work today, Tuesday, November 27,2018. I parked my car and almost feel because there was so much ice on the ground. I thought to myself, how safe is it really. Need less to say I slowly walked to the door to get into the building, then proceeded to m office to turn on both of my heaters Just to set down and forget my laptop in my car. I am grateful that we had a snow day, but I also understand that many don't think this is fair because many workers are considered essential personnel. I remember two years ago the Rec was considered essential personnel. I could not believe it. Needless to

Where does the Time go?

Time is something that comes and goes. It is also something you can never get back. There is a saying, "no man knows the day or the hour he or she will leave this earth." One thing that is certain is that at one point or another we will all leave this earth. As I think about time, I realize that life is so precious and if you don't take the time to spend them with the people you love, one day you will wake up and wonder 'where did all the time go.' I have four fantastic children and I love to spend time with them. As they get older I am understanding that this time is so valuable. I would do anything to get back some of the years where I thought "work" was so important or school. Well... I can't change yesterday, so all I can do is move forward with today, while its here!

Investigate How Data Will Be Stored and Used

It is said that “Autonomous vehicles are the equivalent of supercomputers rolling down the highway, generating and transmitting a mind-boggling volume of data – up to 4 terabytes per day, per car.” according to Data is very close to becoming the new currency. Companies have never had to deal with this amount of data on a day-to-day basis and with data, comes risk. Being able to keep all of the customers personal information safe, to when they were picked up and where they were dropped off can become quite challenging.  Without the daily limitations on how much a car can drive, currently with humans there is a limit to reduce the risk of an accident.This will bring about an unprecedented amount of data. Before companies can begin building data centers, they will have to tackle the wireless connectivity issues first.  From that point they can begin to work in all on of the other elements of the cars. The development of 5G is the key to being able t

Negatives of Ridesharing

Negatives of Ridesharing While there are many advantages of Ridesharing it is important to know there are many disadvantages as well. First we have to get some of society to overlook the rules that they have been taught their entire lives, “don’t get into a car with a stranger.” Well that is exactly what ridesharing is. You do not know the person personally that will be picking you up, so this leads to credibility. One of the cons of ridesharings is that there are so many companies out in the market and it is difficult for the end user to differentiate the major difference amongst the leaders of market. After all, when you get into your car you want to make it to your planned destination. There are been a lot of negative press about ridesharing from parton's being kidnapped from Lyft drivers to a lyft drive kinnapped, zip-tied and rapped a customer. While these cases may seem extreme it is important to know that they are accurate and true. In 2016 there was an incident where a

The Ethic of Expediency

The Ethic of Expediency In Steven B. Katz,  1992 publication, “The Ethic of Expediency: Classical Rhetoric, Technology and the Holocaust” he informs us of the dangers of ethical problems in rhetoric. The  document is written during a neo-nazism time period that gives directions on how to carry out executions by the firing squad (Shirer 1248-49). He looks at several documents with three different lenses to see the  technical communication, argumentation, and style view of the documentation. From a technical writing standpoint the document is near perfection. It explains all the needed information. The document covers the who, what, when, where and how of getting  the executions done. There is no confusion because everything that is needed to carry out such acts is answered in the memo. The writing is clear and concise. The writer of the memo takes the human side out of the memo by writing,  "97,000 have been processed" (Katz 257), instead of writing; 97,000 people ha